30 Year Men’s Shed Anniversary.


Wednesday 6th September 2023 was the anniversary of the establishment of the first Men’s Shed in South Australia. Since then, the idea has spread around the world, and now there are approximately 3,000 sheds in 12 countries. An open Day celebration was hosted by the Labrador Men’s Shed, with six other sheds from the region participating and displaying the wares and activities of their sheds. The main guest speaker was Maxine Chaseling, who was responsible for the original idea and impetus for establishing the first shed in Goolwa, South Australia. Additional guest speakers included Gold Coast Mayor, Tom Tate, Leader of the Queensland Opposition, David Crisafulli MP,  and Sam O’Connor MP for Bonney.

Len Thomson, Secretary Labrador Shed, welcomed everyone, and invited all to stay after the guest speeches and have a look through the Labrador shed and the other shed displays, and then to enjoy the lunch provided by the local QCWA and shed BBQ.

Our display, showing a PowerPoint slideshow and brochures, was manned by Frank Bosio and Andy Bryson, and Members Ken Bridges and Tony Scroope also attended. The event was well attended by both shedders and public, and Labrador shed had a shuttle bus service to the car park at the Tigers Football Club carpark for visitor parking. Channel 9 news filmed a segment which was aired on the local news that night.  Labrador shed ran a well organised event and are to be congratulated on a successful day.

Open day marquees.

Labrador Men’s Shed activities board.

Principal guest speaker Maxine Chaseling.

Guest speaker Mayor Tom Tate.

Guest speaker David Crisafulli, Leader of the Qld. Opposition.

Open day site.

Frank and Tony.

Frank and Andy with our display.

Burleigh Shed display.

Artistic timber items.