We are back into it, after a hard week of lockdown we are back to creating projects and memories.
Thank you to everyone for following the covid guidelines in the past week and staying home to keep us safe.
This week we have Roger listing 40kg of turmeric! Thanks to Frank to planting this wonderful produce.
Phone lines have been ringing like crazy. Many thanks to Rae, Peter and Flavia for managing office emails and phone calls from home and on return.
We also have continuation of bottle collecting if you have any bottles you would like to donate please do so as this contributes a lot to what happens at the Shed.
Thank you Kevin for doing welfare checks during the lockdown.
Apologies our website has been struggling on mobile devices. We have made contact weekly to sort this out, please ring our office if you need support.
Coming up we have Vietnam Veterans Day on the 18th of August.