Construction of northern retaining wall.

Approximately 12 months ago, the sub branch committee tabled a motion, which was carried, to have a retaining wall constructed on the northern boundary of our premises. Quotes for such a large wall were In the vicinity of $10,500.00, so a grant was applied for to cover the cost, and was subsequently approved.

Original bank and pipework preparation – photos above and below
The excavator in action – photos above and below.

Many hours of preparation work were spent installing large drainage pipes at the base of the proposed wall. A contractor, Mick Seery, was appointed, and construction began in early September. With the aid and supervision of shed members, Mick used his excavators to prepare and build the wall, and the final touches of turf were laid on September 24. A long and complicated job well done, and a vast improvement to the premises.

The finished product. – photos above.