Opening of Meeting 1040 Tuesday 06 December 2022
Recital of the Ode.
Attendance: Andy Bryson (President), Peter Cameron OAM (Secretary/Treasurer), Ken Bridges, Warren Street, Frank Bosio, Jamie Greenlee, Garry Graham, Graeme Anderson, Don Lees, Greg Wells, Bob Graves, Bill Rosenberg, Peter Dowling, Wally Wright & Bob Koning.
Apologies: Kevin Roberts & Roger May
All Committee Members are reminded that we have an obligation to act in the best interests of our Organisation and in accordance with the Association’s Incorporation Act and ACNC Rules and Guidelines. We also must declare any possible “Conflict of Interest‘ for the same
Confirmation of Eligible Voters in Attendance:
The Secretary confirmed that all members present were financial and entitled to vote.
Declaration of Proxy Votes Received:
The Secretary advised that a proxy from Kevin Roberts in favour of Andy Bryson had been received.
President’s Report:
Andy read his report which is attached.
Moved Andy Bryson and seconded by Peter Cameron that his report be accepted.
Minutes of Previous AGM:
The Minutes of the 2021 Annual General Meeting held on 26 October 2021 were tabled.
Moved Andy Bryson and seconded by Warren Street that the Minutes of the 2021 AGM, as tabled, be confirmed as a true and correct record.
Business Arising from Minutes of the Previous AGM:
There was no business arising from the previous AGM held on 26 October 2021.
Treasurer’s Report & Tabling of the FY Audit Report:
Peter Cameron tabled a copy of the Financial Statements and the Auditor’s Report prepared by lan Rule of Simpson & Winslow Auditors & Accountants. Peter explained items considered to be of interest to members. The Sub–Branch remains in a sound financial position. A major improvement this year was that complete annual General Ledger Listings were forwarded to all members by email well in advance of the AGM. All questions put to Peter Cameron were explained and answered satisfactorily.
Peter Cameron was thanked by the members by way of acclamation.
Moved Peter Cameron and seconded by Bill Rosenberg that the Treasurer’s & Auditor’s Reports be accepted as tabled.
Declaring all Management Committee Positions Vacant:
Andy Bryson declared all positions vacant and called on Greg Wells to take the chair for the election of Office Bearers for 2022/20243.
Election of Office Bearers for 2022/2023:
Greg Wells asked for nominations for the position of President. Peter Cameron advised that Andy Bryson was the only nomination and in accordance with the Sub–Branch Constitution, Andy Bryson was duly elected President.
Vice President: Kevin Roberts was the sole nomination and declared duly elected Vice President.
Secretary/Treasurer: Peter Cameron was the sole nomination and declared duly elected Secretary/Treasurer.
Committee Members: The following members were nominated and seconded in accordance with the Sub–Branch Constitution: Warren Street, Jamie Greenlees, & Don Lees. All these members were duly elected.
The 2022/2023 Management Committee nominated, seconded and declared duly elected within the requirements of the Constitution is as follows:
President: Andy Bryson
Vice President: Kevin Roberts
Secretary/Treasurer: Peter Cameron
Members: Warren Street; Don Lees; Jamie Greenlees.
Bank Signatories:
Andy Bryson
Kevin Roberts
Peter Cameron
Warren Street, Jamie Greenlees & Don Lees.
All members of the Management Committee may be authorised to operate the bank account, sign cheques or approve Electronic Fund Transfers with at least one of the two required signatories being the President, Vice President or Secretary/Treasurer.
Appointment of Auditor for FY 2022/2023:
Moved by Peter Cameron and seconded by Greg Wells that Simpson & Winslow be appointed as the Sub Branch Auditor for the FY 2022/2023.
Authorized Expenditure Limits:
It was resolved that the current expenditure limits continue:
A majority decision of a Management Committee may set expenditure limits up to $ 5,000.00 per project/item per position of the Management Committee. Expenditure up to and including $ 20,000.00 per project/item shall be authorized by a majority decision of the Executive Committee. All proposed expenditure above $ 20,000.00 to $ 50,000.00 shall be approved by a majority decision of the Management Committee. All proposed
expenditure above
$ 50,000.00 shall require approval of a General or Special Meeting called for that purpose.
Appointment of Auditor for FY 2022/2023:
Moved by Peter Cameron and seconded by Greg Wells that Simpson & Winslow be appointed as the Sub Branch Auditor for the FY 2022/2023.
General Business:
There were no matters of General Business.
Close of Meeting & Next AGM:
Andy Bryson closed the meeting at 1105 and thanked all attending for their interest and participation. The date and time of the next AGM will be advised and is dependent on the receipt of the Auditor’s Report.
Minutes Confirmed By:
Andy Bryson (President)
08 December 2022
Peter Cameron OAM (Sec/Treasurer)
08 December 2022
President’s Report 2022 AGM
2022 has been a fast and busy year for the Sub Branch and Men’s Shed. Covid–19 was still with us, and indeed is active again, but despite this, we achieved many things on both the project and ceremonial fronts. Your committee has helped steer this enterprise, and make no mistake, an enterprise it is, to a satisfactory financial year, and I thank each and every one of the committee and members for their efforts.
Bunnings BBQs we’re not as plentiful as in previous years, mainly due to Covid, but after a slight misunderstanding with Nerang Bunnings, we are now getting regular BBQs from both Nerang and Robina, with three in a row currently. Commissioned projects continue to boost our funds, and my thanks go to the members responsible for completing those projects. The grounds and gardens are looking better than ever, with still more work needed to bring them up to scratch.
Membership is on the increase, and this is not only good to see, but vital to the future of this enterprise. Thanks also to the Gold Coast Regional Beekeepers for their efforts with the hives, and particularly for the honey provided, it is a very popular item, with demand outstripping supply at the moment.
As the current committee retires, a new one is about to be elected, and the next chapter begins. I note with a little sadness that the nominations for the committee are somewhat lacking, and although the committee will perform regardless, it does place a little extra pressure on the serving members. We all benefit greatly from the shed facility, but it takes a lot of effort on the committee’s part, as well as other members, to keep things running, so perhaps you might want to keep that in mind when next you make use of the shed facilities.
Andy Bryson
Vietnam Veterans Federation
Brisbane/Gold Coast Regional Sub Branch Inc.
Veterans‘ Support Group Men’s Shed, Nerang.
It is with pleasure that I am able to present this financial report to members showing that the Sub–Branch is solvent and fully audited for the FY 2021/2022. This report follows on from the previous successful financial years since inception.
The state of the Sub–Branch’s finances for the FY is shown below:
BOQ Account 21969558:
Bank Balance as at 01 JUL 21
$ 93,818.87
Bank Balance as at 30 Jun 22
$ 99,788.86
Bank Balance as at 30 Nov 22 (For AGM Info)
$ 85,888.52
Petty Cash on Hand:
$ 25.40
Outstanding Invoices: Nil
Outstanding Liabilities: Nil except contracted costs e.g. telephone, rates, etc.
Donations for the FY Totalled
$ 3,440.20
We received many smaller donations with amounts mainly from Bunnings BBQs and members for small jobs. We sincerely thank all donors for their generosity.
Grants During FY 2021/2022:
On going Operational Costs Grant for a new Triton Utility
$ 6,000.00
$ 33,804.00
Grant towards a new SawStop
Grants Pending:
ANZAC DTF On going Operational Costs
Some Other Major Sources of Income 2021/2022:
Workshop Projects Biarritz – General Repairs (EX GST) (Thanks to Frank Bosio and other members who assisted)
$ 8,762.00
Workshop Projects Quantum – Café Boxes (Ex GST)
$ 3,295.00
(Thanks to Kevin Roberts, Greg Wells & other member who assisted)
Bunnings BBQs Nerang & Robina (Ex GST)
$ 20,636.60
(Thanks to all members who participate in these BBQs)
Bottles & Cans (No GST)
$ 4,519.30
(Thanks to Graeme & Roger and other members who assist
as well a big thank you to all our donors)
Firewood Sales (Ex GST)
$ 1,239.00
(Thanks to the members who split, stacked, bagged & sold the wood)
Pure Honey (No GST)
$ 2,779.00
(Thanks to Graeme, Roger and the GC Regional Bee Club)
Numerous items are donated regularly to the ‘Vietnam Veterans‘ by members and companies in the Gold Coast community. At the VVF Brisbane/Gold Coast Regional Sub Branch Inc Committee Meeting held on 05 Jun 18, a motion was passed unanimously that all profits derived from the sale of donated items be divided equally between the two Branches located at the Nerang site. The Qld Branch benefits substantially from this decision.
Insurance: The Sub–Branch holds adequate public liability and building/contents insurance sourced through the AMSA. In addition, the Sub–Branch utility is fully covered with Director’s Insurance should fraud or other nefarious event take place.
The Sub–Branch is in a very satisfactory financial situation. The executive follows several financial policies and procedures which will minimise the risk of fraud in the future. I thank our President, Andy Bryson, our Vice President, Kevin Roberts who is also our Shed Captain, Committee Members and other members/volunteers for their valuable assistance during the year.
I present this report together with the 2021/22 Audit to members for approval.
Peter Cameron Secretary/Treasurer
02 December 2022